Christmas! (a
little late ;-)
December 2013
Happy Holidays to One
and All from Greater Downtown Delcambre, Louisiana, in the heart of
Acadiana. We are still aboard DREAM AWAY, and loving it, and still in
Delcambre, and loving that, too, except for the colder weather now.
Next year, back in the Rio
Jim and were very involved in Christmas and Santa Claus for about
two weeks. We have finally hung up (as in returned) our outfits, but
had so much fun with it all, we are determined to buy outfits
ourselves so that we can make this something of a holiday
tradition. These last few 'gigs' held some 'firsts' for us in
that for one we were picked up by the Mayor in his police car, and
delivered amid sirens and flashing lights, to a float on which we
rode, and from which we threw candy, to the children (large and small
;-), in the local Christmas parade. Following that (though not on the
same day, thank goodness) we were delivered to the Creole Market in
New Iberia, LA, aboard a fire truck, again amid sirens and flashing
lights. This time we had candy canes to give the children while they
sat on Santa's lap and got their photos taken while whispering their
heart's desires into Santa's ear. It was absolutely amazing how many,
and how young, the ones that wanted iPads, iPhones, and computers ...
even pre-kindergarteners. We had already contracted lovely colds ...
at least I did, then I passed mine on to Jim, of course ... from the
three days at Santa's Workshop at the local school, so we tired more
easily than usual. Still, we had a wonderful time. All of which was
culminated with being The Santas at a private party at some lovely
new friend's home where they had great gifts for their grandchildren,
and The Santas were quite a success. We changed clothes and stayed on
for gumbo, turkey, ham ... all the feasting, and also left for home
with bags of beautiful oranges, satsumas, and kumquats from their
orchard. We are now regrouping, though neither of us is
entirely 'cold' free yet. Still we feel much better, and a bit of
sunshine will be great for the spirits.
We stopped in
Delcambre for a few weeks visit in May, 2011, and we are still here.
This is such a delightful town, and the people are so very friendly,
we just haven’t been able to leave yet. If ever you want the
wholesome, community spirit of old town America, this is a place you
should visit. We love and encourage visitors, and are quite keen on
sharing the fabulous Acadiana culture and foods with everyone who
shows an interest. We feel quite fortunate to have this opportunity
to be in such a special place, and to feel so welcome here.
Jim and I are both working part-time for the Port of Delcambre – Twin Parish District. I work with the fishermen on the Delcambre Direct Seafood program, helping fishermen bring their catches directly to the docks to sell from their boat directly to the customers. This has been great fun, and really has made a difference in the income for a lot of the fishermen. I also introduce our little jewel of a marina to the Texas-New Orleans and beyond cruiser market, welcoming cruisers who do stop by, and showing them around the Acadiana we have come to love.
Jim is also working part-time for the Port as the marina Maintenance Supervisor, and he is the main go-to guy for much of the volunteer work for the Port. He helps set up the vendors at the Delcambre Seafood and Farmers’ Markets, and does a lot of extra work around the marina, including getting and setting up our fine new shower facilities, installing and maintaining the WiFi network, and handling the gardening … a task he had hoped he would never do again once we moved aboard a boat, but one that has creped up on him after all. The Port has come to rely heavily on him, as do we all.
As you may know from Jim’s updates, we now have two darling Birman cats. Jillian’s Dream and Jordan by the Sea are delightful. They are siblings, so have grown up together, and play and sleep together giving us many a photo op. We are enjoying them immensely. I don’t suppose anything will ever replace our darling Puss, but these two are cute, and sweet, and very, very entertaining.
Stacy and Tina, in Atlanta, are working hard with their various companies and Stacy’s ever growing involvement in the Global xxx forums. He now sits on their panels regularly in China, India, Russia, and beyond. They make a terrific team, and have accomplished wonders. We are constantly intrigued with their new ventures, and are delighted with their successes. They are spending the Christmas holiday on Isla Mujeres, in Mexico, on a well-deserved break from the constant pressures of global businesses.
Judy is also living in Atlanta where she is a ‘Mashgichah’ at the Good Friends Restaurant in the Jewish Community Center. She is the person who makes sure that all the food coming into the restaurant is kosher, and that it is prepared in a kosher manner. It’s hard work and long hours, but she’s great at it and has become a critical member of the management team although she declines an actual management position at this time. She is also teaching Religious School, and is very active in her Community. She has a cozy little apartment complete with small library corner which I adore and enjoy for and with her.
We had a wonderful visit with the kids at Thanksgiving. We drove over to Atlanta in time for Judy’s birthday, the first few days of Hanukkah, and a lovely Thanksgiving dinner at Stacy and Tina’s. It was wonderful to have time with all of them. Jim did a lot of reorganizing at our storage unit up in Roswell, in preparation for moving all the stuff in his beloved shop here in Delcambre to Atlanta when we do get under way cruising again.
here it is almost the New Year … for which we wish you many
blessings, good health, and prosperity. As our favorite Spanish
saying goes, “Salud, Pesetas, y Amor, y el Tiempo para Gustarlo”
We hope to make that toast back in the Rio next year … unless
we are captivated yet again by Puerto Rico. Stacy has encouraged us
to establish residency in Puerto Rico, and to that effect we plan to
fly there in February to inquire into the pre-requisite driving
license and post office box, and to look at property. Partly Stacy
plans to move some of his corporations down there, and also he hopes
to establish a ‘home base’ where all of us can be together for
living and holidays, once Jim and I settle down a bit. We are looking
forward to the possibilities as we loved living there years ago, and
have very fond memories.
Have a wonderful New Year. Do please stay in touch, and come see us if ever you can.
Best wishes,
Jim and Kitty (Katherine)