Coxen Hole - 2010
The capital of the Bay Islands is Coxen Hole. It is Roatan's largest city and the place where most tourists (as opposed to cruisers) enter the island. Both the cruise ship docks and the airport are located in Coxen Hole. There are sometimes as many as 5,000 tourists in a day, landing in Coxen Hole from the cruise ships. At those times, the town is very crowded and marketing is lively. Many of those tourists opt for side tours that take them to the beach, restaurants, diving, para-sailing, and even zip lining.
Coxen Hole is the island's center for politics and commerce. Many supplies and repairs can be obtained there, and it is the place cruisers must go to check in and out of the country (unless they do so in Utila or Guanaja). We went there several times, by necessity, but preferred the more tranquil life in the smaller bays to the hustle and bustle of the city.