DREAM AWAY Update 01-06-2013
The first update of the new year. I hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday season, and did not eat too much. Kitty and I had a wonderful Christmas, although we celebrated on the 23rd of December. I had to go back to work in Venice, Louisiana, on Christmas day, so this seemed the best way to go. As it turns out we had a very Cajun Dinner. We had a Turducken, which turned out to be delicious. We did not know it at the time, but we purchased our Turducken from Hebert's Speciality Meats in Maurice, Louisiana, which is supposed to be the originator of the Turducken. We also had smothered okra and a corn dish called Macque Choux, which is a southern Louisiana corn dish.
Kitty and I actually spent the New Year together, which was wonderful. I was given an extra week off so I am starting out the New Year with three weeks off. I am still working for Y & S Marine, but the boat to which I am assigned still does not have a contract. I go back to Venice to start another two week hitch on the 22nd of January. I am going on an interview for another position on the 21st of January. I really hope something positive works out with the interview, as it is really a good opportunity.
I have added a section under the Construction And Projects called the Cap Rail & Name Board Replacement section. This section has Three Phases in it, but at the time of this update I only have the first section completed, which is the aft cap rail replacement. I will get the other two sections completed very soon.
One new item on the agenda is a web site that is just getting off of the ground, Sailor.com. It is a social media site, initially, but the plan is to get it morphed into a site for and by cruisers. I hope to get some forums started, especially one for The Hardin Voyager and the Hardin 45. Please take a look at the site, and join in and take part.
As you know Kitty is working as the Marketing Manager for the Port Of Delcambre. She is working specifically for the Delcambre Direct Seafood and the North Pier Marina. If you check with the ActiveCaptain, and look up Delcambre, Louisiana, you will find the North Pier Marina. If you look up BoatUS Services Locator, and search on Delcambre, Louisiana, you will find the North Pier Marina. We also have an article on the Cruising Outpost Web Site, and there will be a nice article in the second issue of the Cruisng Outpost Magazine.
That is about all for this update. If you see any issues or problems, please notify me via email.
Member Seven Seas Cruising Association
WEB page http://www.dreamaway.net