Pictures From Hurricane Ike
These pictures are my pictures that I took before and after hurricane Ike. They show pictures before the storm when we were in Spring, Texas. This is where the famous "Ike Eleven" was formed. The next group of pictures are immediately after the storm in Spring, Texas. Then there are pictures of Dream Away at Watergate two days after the storm. The remainder of the pictures are of the damage to buildings and boats around Watergate. I refer to building number and docks at Watergate. If you are interested in the relative locations of the docks and buildings, go to Watergate Yachting Center and look at the Marina map referenced there. Also I refer to Building 47 as the Peak Building. When we rented building 47, it was our office and training center. The name of our company is PEAK, Inc, so we called it the Peak Building. We gave up rental of that building when we went cruising.