I loaded the cross
piece for the hide hole project, and all the parts I thought I would
need for the hide hole project into the Black Beast, and went over to
The first thing I
checked was the “trash compactor”. It fit into the barrel
perfectly, so now it is ready to be finished off.
I had measured the
amount of the 1” stainless pipe I had at the shop, and I have 32.5
feet. I measured the amount of pipe I will need to weld up the stern
ladder, and the amount I will need for the hard dodger project. I
have plenty for both projects, and may have enough to fabricate the
hand holds for the main cabin.
I started on the aft
cabin hide hole project. The first thing I had to do was to move the
mattress off of the bed. This was fun it that having the mattress off
of the bed made it difficult to get parts and tools in and out of the
aft cabin.
I measured the main
cross piece, and it was too long, so I cut it off to the proper
length. I also had to remove some trim wood to make room for the main
cross piece. Then came the fun of removing a lot of rotten plywood
from the overhead.
Plywood Removed From
Port Side

Rotten Wood On
Starboard Side

Rotten Wood Removed And
Cleaned Up On Starboard Side

Port Side All Cleaned

I was ready to install
the main cross piece, when I discovered a real problem. The crown of
the deck! I had completely forgotten that issue. The was a crown of 1
½” to be taken into account.
I decided to go back to
the shop
and see if I could find more wood to make the crown in the main cross
piece. When I went back to the shop
I realized adding wood would not completely solve the problem, and in
fact would cause issues with the battens I have to install to hold up
the Structoglas
I am using as a ceiling panel.
I tried to bend the
main cross piece, but since it was a laminated piece, all I did was
crack the piece! I have decided to cut the main cross piece into two
or more pieces to make the crown. Hopefully this will work. I will
find out tomorrow!
Since I cracked the
main cross piece, I had to mix up some epoxy to repair the main cross
piece, which I did.
It started to rain, so
I worked on the spare outboard engine. I installed the magneto, and
then the flywheel. It all went on pretty well. The good news is I
have pictures of the disassembly of the power head so I can use them
to help with the reassembly. The rain stopped, so I called it a day.
August 25, Sunday, 2013
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
Up early and on the
road so Kitty could catch her flight from Lafayette to Atlanta via
Houston. She got off with no problems, and arrived safely in Atlanta.
On the way back from
the airport in Lafayette, I stopped at the Lowe’s in New Iberia. I
purchased four 2” X 3” X 8’ studs to be used for the hole
hiding project in the aft cabin. I stopped by the shop
and dropped off the four studs, then back to DREAM AWAY.
The hole hide project
actually got started back in April, so you can see the beginning the
work in the April
Maintenance Log.
I had planned to get
right into the hole hide project, but there were several small
projects I wanted to get out of the way before I got into this large
It was
time to clean out all of the raw water strainers and manifold. I
cleaned out the main strainer for the manifold (Sea Chest), and the
manifold (Sea Chest). Also cleaned out the strainers for the ice
maker cooling pump, the refrigeration cooling pump and the forward
air conditioner cooling pumps. During this cleaning process, I also
cleaned out the hoses for all of the cooling pumps using high
pressure water from the dock. I also vacuumed off the air filter ojn
the intake of the forward air conditioner.
I repaired one of the
overhead lights in the garage. They use incandescent bulbs, and when
they are on for a long period of time the current they draw melts the
lead on the base contacts of the bulb. I pulled out the bulb, and
with a soldering gun, resoldered the base contacts.
A strap on one of the
cockpit sun shades needed to be repaired. I got out the parts needed
and repaired the sun shade.
Strap Removed From Sun

Repaired Sun Shade

The two doors under the
sink in the galley, have latches to hold them shut while underway.
The left hand, or aft latch was not working. I removed the latch and
repaired the spring mechanism, then put the latch back on the door.
Latches On Doors Under
The Galley Sink

To continue with the
hide hole project in the aft cabin, I had to move all of the books on
both the starboard and port side. Once the books were out of the way,
I had to move one of the fans mounted in the aft cabin on the port
side overhead. I had to move the fan forward to get it out of the way
of the cover I will be installing.
Fan In Original

Fan In New Location
With Helper Observing

Following are a couple
of pictures of the holes and backing plates that will be covered up
with the hide hole project
Port Side Cleat Backing

Starboard Side Cleat
Backing Plate

Starboard Side Dinghy
Davit Backing Plate

Last item for the day
was working on the wind instrument. The wind instrument was still not
working connecting to the masthead transducers. I connected the spare
transducers and cable to the wind instrument in the instrument pod.
It worked for a few minutes, and then quit working. I am pretty sure
the problem is the instrument itself, so will have to send it off to
get it repaired.
Wind Instrument Back,
Removed From Instrument Pod

Spare Vane Connected
Directly To Wind Instrument

Wind Instrument
Working, But Briefly!

August 24, Saturday,
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
The two cruising boats
that came into the marina on Thursday, departed early in the morning,
0900, to get on their way back to Houston.
No work done on DREAM
AWAY projects. Ran errands, spent day with Kitty, hanging out,
August 23, Friday, 2013
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
Went over to the shop
and inspected the “trash compactor”. The application of the
penetrating epoxy looked
good, but I noticed a couple of more places where the plywood was
delaminating. I decided to dispense with this old “trash
compactor”, and cut out a new one. I measured, and cut out the new
“trash compactor”. Tomorrow I will sand it down, and apply the
penetrating epoxy.
Old “Trash Compactor”
With The Smith’s
Penetrating Epoxy

Connected the battery
charger to the battery on the SeaScooter. Did not take long and the
battery was fully charged. Put the SeaScooter back together, and
tested the unit. Still sounds like a thrashing machine. Will have to
take the unit apart and see if I can find any issues.
Back over to DREAM
AWAY, and Kitty and I called our son Stacy and sang him happy
We then drove into New
Iberia with the cruisers from the two boats that arrived into the
yesterday. We made several stops for parts and groceries, and had
lunch in downtown New Iberia at Victor’s
Cafe, a tradition in New
Iberia!! If you have ever read any James
Lee Burke books you will
know Victor’s
Came home with barely
enough time to shower, then it was off to Shuck’s
in Abbeville for dinner.
August 22, Thursday,
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
“Trash Compactor”
With The Smith’s
Penetrating Epoxy Applied

Installed the battery
that had arrived for the SeaScooter. I installed the battery and
verified that the battery actually ran the propeller on the unit. The
propeller turned, but it sounded like a thrashing machine, very
noisy. Did not have time, but will charge the battery completely, and
see if that night be the problem with the loud noises.
Battery In SeaScooter

Loaded up the pressure
washer from the Port
of Delcambre’s storage
room and took it to the North
Pier Marina. Took the power
washer out to pier “C” to finish off washing the bird doo off of
the end of Pier “C”.
On my way out to the
end of Pier “C”, I noticed a large amount of bird doo in the area
where we were expecting to cruisers to arrive later in the afternoon.
I cranked up the pressure washer and cleaned all of that area of Pier
“C”. When I finished that area, I went out to the end of to
finish there. What a surprise! The area I did yesterday was covered
again in bird doo. It looked like I had not even been there, and only
24 hours. I worked on the end of Pier “C” until the rain
threatened, cleaned up the pressure washer, and put away the hose.
I am going to have to
come up with some method to keep the seagulls off of the pier.
Cleaning up a bit of bird doo every couple of weeks will be OK, but
not this.
I went back out on Pier
“C” and cleaned up the pier by removing some ropes and old tires
from the pier. If I do a little of that every week, eventually I will
have all of Pier “C” looking really good.
Went back to DREAM
AWAY, and completed the installation of the speakers on the boom
gallows. One speaker did not work. Swapped the speakers from port to
starboard. One of the speakers if defunct, and the working speaker
worked on either side with different wiring.
August 21, Wednesday,
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
Went to shop
and worked on “trash compactor”. When I removed the two pieces of
they pulled off some of the delamination! I decided to try to fix the
delamination with Liquid
Nails. I applied a small
amount of Liquid
Nails, and used the two
pieces of Formica
to clamp down on the “trash compactor”.
I loaded the Skil
saw, long extension cord,
and spare plywood onto the dock trolly, and went out on Pier “C”.
I cut the plywood and put it down on the places on Pier “C” where
the tar was really bad. Keeps from tracking the tar onto the
transient boats.
I cleaned up from that
project, and rant the pressure washer and hose out to the end of Pier
“C”. I started washing the dock down to remove all of the bird
doo that had accumulated. What fun! Rain threatened again, so put all
of the gear into the Black Beast, and returned it all to their
respective storerooms.
I then helped a fellow
boater on the dock with his battery and air conditioner problems. I
connected the battery so the generator and starboard engine would
start. We connected a pump to the air conditioner cooling lines, and
ran a descaler solution through the lines. When we finished, we
connected all of the cooling lines back to normal, but the air
conditioners still did not stay on. I suspect a refrigerant leak.
August 20, Tuesday,
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
Went over to the shop
and checked on my attempt to repair the car charger. It did not go
well, so the un-repaired car charger went into the trash can.
I sanded down both side
of the “trash compactor”, and the edges in preparation for the
application of the Smith’s
penetrating epoxy.
Starting The Sanding
process On The “Trash Compactor”

Sanding Process On The
“Trash Compactor” Complete

When the sanding was
complete, I was able to look into a couple of places where there was
plywood delamination. These needed to be fixed before I applied the
penetrating epoxy to the
“trash compactor”.
I got the two pieces of
I had used on the boom gallows to use on the “trash compactor”.
I mixed a very small batch of the
penetrating epoxy, and
applied it to the de-laminated portions of the “trash compactor”.
I put on the two pieces of Formica,
and clamped it all together.
Trash Compactor”
Clamped Up

I got all of the
instruments and the instrument pod front panel on the workbench.
Instruments Ready For
Insertion Into The Pod Front Panel

I then inserted the
instruments into the pod front panel.
Instruments Inserted,
Back Of Front Panel

Instruments Inserted,
Front Of Front Panel

I loaded up the
instrument pod, speakers, bell holder and all of the fasteners into
the Black Beast and went over to DREAM AWAY.
I attached the
instrument pod to the bottom of the boom gallows, and then ran the
wires for the instruments and speakers.
Instrument Pod On Boom

Wires Running To
Instrument Pod

I connected all of the
wires to the instruments, and put the front panel on the instrument
pod, and powered the instruments up. Still having wind instrument
issues. Will be looking into that problem.
Instrument Pod
Installed With Functioning Instruments

Went out and trimmed
the grass around the trees and gardens. I then cut the inside and
outside grass in the marina.
When Kitty came back
from her errands, she told me the air conditioner had a high pressure
error on the digital control. I knew what that meant. I took out the
main input strainer, and the air conditioner strainer, and cleaned
them out. I also connected the high pressure water from the dock, to
the air conditioner hose. I turned on the water which cleaned out the
hose for the air conditioner from its connection at the manifold top
the overboard discharge. Put it all back together and the air
conditioner functioned normally.
August 19, Monday, 2013
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
Went over to the shop
for the first time in a couple of days. Did a clean up and a
straighten up. Ran the vacuum, and got it looking pretty good.
Brought over my “trash
compactor”. The plywood is starting to delaminate, so it needs work
so it will not go completely bad.
Trash Compactor On Work

As you can see the
“trash compactor” is pretty simple, and it really does work. I
have two big buckets on the stern of DREAM AWAY that I store trash in
on a passage. I drop the trash bag in the bucket, then put in my
“trash compactor”, and stand on the “trash compactor”. It
really does a good job of getting a lot of trash into a small area.
I then started in on
repairing the car charger for our iPhones and iPads. A little piece
had broken off on the inside. I used a bit of the BoatLIFE
LifeSeal to hopefully hold
the spring in place. We will see tomorrow!
Car Charger Being

I then went back over
to the marina.
Kitty took the Black Beast to our mechanic in Delcambre to have the
evaporator on the air conditioner checked out.
I got the clippers out
of the Black Beast and trimmed grass around the fence lines and trees
in the marina.
Tomorrow, if it is not raining, I will mow the grass in the marina.
Kitty came back from
the mechanics with great news. As I suspected the evaporator was
clogged up with dirt, mud and leaves. This was the cause of the water
dripping into the car, the air conditioner not putting out cold air,
and the air volume being so small. Cleaning out the area of the
evaporator made a huge difference.
We then had to make a
run to the Vet’s. I had allowed our cats out on deck while I was
taking down all of the flags. It turns out our male cat had captured
a bee and it had stung him in the left front paw. The vet found the
stinger in his paw, removed it and gave him two shots. All is better,
although he was feeling pretty low, and Jillian was also a bit upset.
I took a shower, and
did some more work on the June Maintenance Log. I am up to June 24th,
so I am getting to the end!
August 18, Sunday, 2013
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
Spent most of the
morning working on the computer and updating the June Maintenance
Log. Had a break and with errands and interruptions, never got back
to finishing up the log.
August 17, Saturday,
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
Spent most of the day
working on the computer and updating the Maintenance Logs. I did get
the July Maintenance Log finished. Now I need to get the June one
finished, then I can incorporate them into my web
We left the Delcambre
Shrimp Festival when
finished playing. We then went to a friends “camp” across the
bayou from the marina
to visit and listen to more live music. Pretty much a great day!
August 16, Friday, 2013
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee. Spent extra
time working on the computer and updating the Maintenance Logs.
Went into New Iberia to
pick up laundry and grocery shop. Came back to DREAM AWAY, put all of
the laundry and groceries away. Had a nice early dinner, and listened
to some music from the Shrimp festival.
August 15, Thursday,
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee. Spent extra
time working on the computer and and updating the Maintenance Logs.
Had to drive into
Lafayette again today for a followup visit with Kitty’s
cardiologist. Nothing specific found, except a possible heart valve
problem. Doctor ordered more tests. With some confusion, we finally
got some more chest X-Rays, and a nuclear test performed on the lungs
looking for clots. We got out of the hospital well after 1900, and
drove home.
No work done on DREAM
AWAY projects.
August 14, Wednesday,
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee. Spent extra
time working on the computer and fighting Internet access.
Had to drive to
Lafayette today for a dermatologist appointment. Good appointment,
only two biopsies! Came back from Lafayette, and the remainder of the
day was spent working on the Maintenance Logs, computer work, reading
and general stuff.
August 13, Tuesday,
We left Connie and
Wayne’s house, and drove over to the Municipal
Marina in Freeport, Texas.
We met with dockmaster, Kevin, and the Marina Director, Tamara.
Tamara took us out to
the three
stall shower trailer, and
opened it up for us. We took many pictures, and inspected the unit as
closely as possible. The unit seems to be in great condition, and
would make a great addition to the North
Pier Marina until the
building gets built here.
Kitty and I then made a
report to our port director, Wendell, and I titled all of the
pictures. Kitty sent her report to Wendell, and I sent all of the
pictures to him. When we finished all of this we went to lunch with
Wayne, Connie, Tamara and ourselves.
When we came back from
lunch I backed the Black Beast up to the trailer to check out the
lights. It was a no-go, none of the lights worked. Wayne backed his
truck up to the trailer. and connected into the trailer lights, and
all of the lights worked. Talk about good news, bad news! All of the
lights on the three
stall shower trailer
worked, but the trailer hitch light connection on the Black Beast was
not working. Now I have another project, to get the trailer hitch
light connection working. I have never used that system since
purchasing the Black Beast, so I will have to start from scratch.
We then left Freeport,
heading back to Delcambre. We arrived at DREAM AWAY around 2100. We
unloaded the Black Beast, fed our Kitties, took showers, and headed
to bed!
August 12, Monday, 2013
Made a pot of coffee,
and checked the weather. Packed our stuff and were under way by 0800.
We were driving to Freeport, Texas, to check out a three
stall shower trailer. The
city of Freeport is going to auction off this unit, and it would be a
perfect temporary solution for the North
Pier Marina.
The Port Director asked
us to drive down and evaluate the unit, and if in good shape and a
viable solution for the the North
Pier Marina, for us to take
many pictures. We will be sending the pictures and a report to him
tomorrow after we do the inspection. He wants to have as much
information as possible to present at the board meeting of the Twin
Parish Port District board meeting tomorrow night.
On our way to Freeport,
we stopped in Clear Lake Shores to have lunch with our friends Jimmy
& Barbara, and friend Al. After lunch, we drove by Momentum
Metal Recycling in League
City, Texas, to see if they had any stainless steel square tubing or
pipe. We got lucky, they had on hand about 30 feet of 1” stainless
steel pipe, which I purchased!
This pipe will be used
for the ladder at the stern of DREAM AWAY, and the frame for the hard
We then continued on
our trip to Rosharon, Texas. We spent the night with aour friends
Connie and Wayne. We had met them in Delcambre, when they stopped by
Pier Marina, on their way
to and from Florida. In fact they are the ones that told us about the
stall shower trailer
available in Freeport.
Tomorrow we will be
going to the Municipal
Marina, to actually check
out the unit.
August 11, Sunday, 2013
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
Stayed on DREAM AWAY,
caught up on email and still working on the Maintenance Logs for June
and July.
Went and got the lawn
mower and gasoline from the Port
of Delcambre’s storage
room and brought them back to the North
Pier Marina. Trimmed and
mowed all of the grass at the North
Pier Marina. Returned the
mower and the gasoline to the storage room, and back to DREAM AWAY.
Spent the remainder of the day working on the Maintenance Logs.
August 10, Saturday,
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
Stayed on DREAM AWAY
working on the Maintenance Logs. Had breakfast, and then went out and
weeded the marina
Went over to the shop
and unpacked the water scooter that Stacy had shipped from China. It
was unpacked and seems to be a neat device. The only issue so far is
that there is no included battery, and no battery number.
Water Scooter Out Of

Left the shop
and came back to the marina.
Continued with the garden weeding until it started to rain. Back to
DREAM AWAY, and continued working on the Maintenance Log. The
remainder of the day was working on the Maintenance Log, and some
August 09, Friday, 2013
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
No work done on Al’s
boat today. Went to Cheryl’s office and attempted to get the
wireless printer working on XP, but to no avail. Very frustrating,
for of course it only took two minutes for me to print to the printer
from my MacBook Pro!!
Al took me to the
Amtrak station in Houston. The train was late arriving into Houston.
Had a tie-up in San Antonio, so we did not get underway until 1340. I
arrived in New Iberia around 1830.
08, Thursday, 2013
Got up in
the morning and had coffee and breakfast. Got on the Internet,
checked email and the weather.
I had not used permanente wiring when we tested the alternator on the
port engine. After we verified the alternator did work, I got some
connectors, and connected all of the proper wires to the alternator.
morning I realized we did not test the alternator operation after the
wiring was complete. So we started up the port engine and verified
the operation of the alternator.
Next, I
moved one of the old batteries back into place for the starboard
house battery. We decided not to use one of the new batteries for the
starboard house, while still having old batteries in place for the
port house battery.
I also
moved the source wiring for all of the DC accessories from the
starting batteries to the house batteries. I went through all of the
wiring, and verified tightness of connections, and dressed up as much
of the wiring as possible.
pretty much ended the day working on Al’s boat, so I took a shower
and had a late lunch. Later I went to Texas City to help a friend of
Al’s get her printer working in the office.
07, Wednesday, 2013
Got up in
the morning and had coffee and breakfast. We got right to work on the
alternator problem on the port engine. We verified the alternator was
not putting out any voltage when the engine was running.
Alan had
two spare alternators, but because the drive pulleys on them did not
match the engine drive belt configuration, they could not be
installed. We removed the alternator from the port engine, picked up
the two spare alternators and took all three to a local alternator
The tech
at the alternator shop tested all three and verified their operation.
The alternator we had on the engine, we actually had connected to the
wrong post on the alternator. The tech mentioned we should have a
good ground for the alternator to work properly. We then took all
three alternators back to the boat.
some interesting issues, Alan falling into the engine room with an
alternator landing on his knee, lunch and a dermatologist appointment
for Alan, we finally got back to installing the alternator back on
the engine. I connected the positive battery wire to the correct post
on the back of the alternator. Instead of assuming the ground to the
alternator was connected to the engine start battery, I moved the
alternator to the start battery ground. When we cranked up the
engine, the alternator started working. A six year project complete.
I also
connected the trickle charge output on the Freedom Marine 30
Inverter/charger to each start battery. There are two trickle charge
outputs, so now we have the Freedom Marine 30 Inverter/charger
charging each house bank, it is also charging each start battery.
Now we
have most of the electrical/battery problems sorted out. I still have
a couple of items to do, but the big item will be for Al to build the
two new battery boxes.
06, Tuesday, 2013
Got up in
the morning and had coffee and breakfast. Alan went off for Doctor’s
appointments, and was away for pretty much the whole day.
I stayed
on TORI, and worked with the electrical/battery problems. Will not go
into a lot of detail, but made quite a bit of progress finding and
identifying problems, and coming up with some solutions.
biggest change is that we are delaying the trip, mostly because of
the electrical problems, and a couple of engine oil leaks. Alan had
purchased a set of new batteries, because of some problems with the
current set.
The issue
with the new batteries is they will not fit in the existing battery
box. I gave Al a couple of options, but he decided that the way to go
would be to fabricate new battery boxes. This is the best way to go,
but that necessitated putting off the trip until the new boxes are
I will be
staying on until Friday so I can help Al with a couple of other
issues, and to get him pointed in the right direction to get most of
the outstanding issues settled.
05, Monday, 2013
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
Went out to the parking
lot and finished screwing down the blocks at the end of the parking
spaces which I had painted blue yesterday.
Blocks At End Of
Parking Spaces

project was to get the main boom gallows Installed and the hard
bimini bolted back to the gallows. I had all of the hardware cleaned
up. I had also cut out some pieces of sheet plastic to insulate the
aluminum from the wood. Hopefully this would keep the different
metals from causing the wood in the boom gallows to deteriorate.
Gallows Support & Hard Bimini Support Before Gallows Installation

Gallows On Dock Before Installation

Gallows & Hard Bimini Installed Looking Forward

Gallows & Hard Bimini Installed Looking Aft, Starboard Side

Gallows & Hard Bimini Installed Looking Aft, Port Side

When I
completed that project, it was in to take a shower, and head to the
train station to make the trip to Houston. I am off to do a boat
delivery for my friend Alan.
Got into
Houston on the train about 30 minutes early, and Alan was waiting for
me. Made good time and got to his boat, and finally had dinner.
04, Sunday, 2013
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
Went over
to the Port
of Delcambre’s store room
and picked up all of the painting supplies, including the paint and
handicap stencil. Went back to North
Pier Marina and started in
with the painting project. I am converting two regular parking spaces
to one handicapped parking space, and one handicapped unloading area.
I masked
off all of the current yellow lines, and masked off some necessary
lines in the unloading area. When I got all of the masking done, I
opened the paint and painted all of the necessary. I did two coats
over the current yellow lines. When completed, I removed all of the
masking tape, put all of the supplies including the buckets used to
mark off the area into the Black Beast and took it all back to the
of Delcambre’s store
New Lines
Painted In Marina
Parking Lot

I then
went to the shop
and put together the SeaLand
pump with the new duck bill
valves. I loaded the pump, the boom gallows, and the teak pieces to
cover the davit holes in aft cabin, the teak piece to cover the winch
hole in the main cabin, and the teak electrical wire cover and went
back to DREAM AWAY.
breakfast, I installed the teak pieces that had been varnished. The
first piece was over the hole in the overhead of the main cabin. This
is where the bottom of the main sheet winch used to be.
Hole In
Main Cabin To Be Covered

Hole In
Main Cabin Covered

Next we
installed the teak electrical wire cover in the main cabin.
Wires In Main Cabin

Wires Covered In Main Cabin

Then we
moved back to the aft cabin to cover a couple of the holes that were
cut in the teak to enable installation of the dinghy
davits. After installation
of these two teak covers, there is more work to do. I am working on
that project, but it is on hold for the moment.
Davit Hole To Be Covered

Davit Hole Covered

Davit Hole To Be Covered

Davit Hole Covered

I then
worked on preparing for the installation of the main boom gallows. I
got most of the prep work done, but the afternoon thunderstorms
interrupted completion of the boom gallows.
Time to
shower and prepare a grilled chicken dinner!
03, Saturday, 2013
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
Went over
to the shop
and finished up the cleaning of the SeaLand
pump. Now it is ready to be
put back together and have it ready for service.

Went to
the Port
of Delcambre’s dock and
waited in line to get some big shrimp just in from the gulf! Well
worth the wait!!
Size Of Shrimp In My Hand!

Did some
work for the Port
of Delcambre, in the
parking lot at North
Pier Marina. I marked off
two parking spaces, then swept and washed them in preparation to be
painted. I am making them into handicapped spaces.
02, Friday, 2013
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
No work
done today on DREAM AWAY. We both had dental appointments first thing
in the morning, then I went with Kitty to her audiogram of her heart
in Lafayette, which was cancelled. Did some shopping, attempted to
find the necessary switch for the aft air conditioner, but was not
01, Thursday, 2013
Started off the morning
with my normal ritual of getting on the Internet, answering email,
and checking the weather, while making a pot of coffee.
Took Black Beast into
Tire Service to have the
air conditioner checked. The air temperature coming out of the vents
is just not cold enough. They could find nothing, except there might
be an issue with the evaporator. They could not source an
evaporator, so it was left up to me to find one.
Mark was with me so we
were on a hunt for parts. We first went to Ralph’s
Electronics in New Iberia.
Here I purchased the switch for the aft air conditioner, that I had
to wire around a couple of days ago. We then went to an Ace
Hardware store named
Handyman Hardware. Here I was able to purchase a metric nut I needed
to re-install my Taco
LED spreader light. Last we
went to Hose
Speciality so Mark could
get some exhaust hose for his new engine installation.
Speciality was an amazing
place to visit. I am pretty sure anything having to do with hoses
they could produce. It was very impressive.
Back to DREAM AWAY, and
I put the new Texas registration decals on the tender, then put the
tender back up on the davits, and the Yamaha outboard back on the
life rail.
I then went over to the
and worked on the SeaLand
pump that I had removed
from the sanitation system last week. I have to remove all of the
built up calcium on all of the parts. To do this I soak the parts in
a toilet bowl cleaner that I also use to clean the stainless steel on
the exterior of DREAM AWAY.
I also did some clean
up and moving around of stuff in the shop.
I then applied the
fifth and last coat of varnish on teak pieces to cover the davit
holes in aft cabin, the teak piece to cover the winch hole in the
main cabin, and the teak electrical wire cover.