Vessel Re-Rig Project

Before we headed out on our cruise, I thought that completely replacing all of the standing rigging would be something that would stand us in good stead. When I rebuilt the mizzen and main masts, I decided then it would be good to replace the standing rigging that had not been replaced during the mast rebuild project. As I mentioned in the chainplate replacement project, I added an intermediate stay on the main mast and a forward upper on the mizzen mast.

The major goals for the re-rig project were many, as usual, but they were easily attainable. The first goal was to make all of the standing rigging on the main mast 3/8" stainless steel #316 1X19 wire rope with all Norseman terminals. The second goal was to make all of the standing rigging on the mizzen mast 1/4" stainless steel #316 1X19 wire rope with all Norseman terminals. The third goal was to replace the old Hood Profurl roller furling system with a new Furlex 300S roller furling system.

Because I had put steps on both masts, the task was made much easier, but it was still a lot of work going up and down the masts. I decided to get some help, so I imported a Master Rigger, Steve. He has great experience, and has helped design and implement other rigging upgrades on the boat. His help was greatly appreciated. He was able to stay for ten days. Unfortunately, the first two and a half days were spent recovering from Hurricane Claudette.

Master Rigger with happy face

Master Rigger preparing to cut wire

Master Rigger After cutting wire

Master Rigger executing Norseman Installation

Master Rigger intently preparing Norseman Installation #1

Master Rigger intently preparing Norseman Installation #2

Hood Profurl and Furlex on ground bottom end

Hood Profurl and Furlex on ground

Master Rigger Checking out Furlex #1

Master Rigger Checking out Furlex #2

Master Rigger Working on the Furlex

Master Rigging Enjoying the work

Master Rigger Cutting wire #1

Master Rigger Cutting wire #2

Captain removing triadic stay #1

Captain removing triadic stay #2

Captain removing triadic stay #3